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Loading OWN IT


Written by Keri on Thursday, March 1, 2018

Take a moment and think back to when you were young.

Really young. Just a child. On vacation. You’re maybe five, six years old.

Seriously, take a second. I’ll wait. Get into this.

So, you’re standing on the beach, in your favorite pink penguin bathing suit. Yeah, it was amazing.

Salt in the air, sand between your toes. Seagulls circling. Waves crashing. The whole thing.

And you’re overcome with excitement. All the possibilities.

Do I go in the ocean? In the pool? Do I make a sand castle? Fly a kite? Sleep under the umbrella? Eat grapes? Write in the sand? Swim? Or….just run?


Fam is here. Food is here. BIRDS are here. The. Life.

You may even let out a little shriek. You just can’t freaking handle it.

And you smile when you look down at your favorite pink penguin bathing suit.

This bathing suit is the most amazing thing anyone has ever made. Penguins ice skating all around my body. I look SO DAMN COOL. Confident AF.

[Ok, maybe six-year-old self didn’t know that word yet, but you get the point]

MOM I’m having fun!

Screaming this at the top of your lungs. Like she didn’t already know.

And you spend the day jumping through the waves, building absolute mansions of sand. On top of the world.

Not knowing the time, or the day.

Or the size of your bathing suit, your waist. Or if the bathing suit you’re wearing was the best decision post-holiday weight gain.

Fast forward to now.

Somewhere along the way, the focus became less about the size of the waves and more on the size of our thighs.

Poking, prodding, scrutinizing every last bit of ourselves. But what about the sand?

We walk awkwardly—flexing, giving ourselves indigestion after sucking in so long. What about the seagulls?

Ashamed. And uncomfortable. Frustrated that that 3-day juice detox didn’t immediately change everything. What about the waves?

We go for the cover up. And settle on the beach chair. And watch children watch everything else. Watch the children jump, run, build, play…and live.

My question for you—WHERE DID THAT CHILD GO? Where did you go?

Can we please all agree that the little joyful spirit who delighted in their pink penguin bathing suit was doing life right?

And can we please all agree that we can still be that child?

Because all that is, is being confident in your own skin. Owning it. Every last bit of you. Rocking the shit out of that pink penguin bathing suit.

Who doesn’t give a fuck about sizes, cellulite, abs, not being tan, not being bikini-ready, not being ‘right’?

Seriously. It’s just too much.

Own it. Because you, beautiful you, are a bad ass.

Don’t let your perceived imperfections come between you and your life.

What is holding you back? What is that story in your head?

That’s why, this month, we’re asking you to OWN IT. Really own it.

Spend more time focused on the waves this year, building that sand castle.

On the beach, at that concert, the fancy restaurant, the morning of your wedding.

In that fucking amazing pink penguin bathing suit. The hot sand and cold ocean waves.

How are you going to own it this month? What are you going to call bullshit on? Who wants to stare at some effing seagulls and run in the sand?

Post a pic, do something you might not otherwise, and tag us. We want to see how all of you badasses are taking your badassery to the next level this month.

Own it. All of your beautiful self.

Keri  Croft