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Got a goal in mind?

Get There With These Class Schedules

Let us guess--you’re not just taking classes for no specific reason. You have a goal in mind and want results. And that’s what we love about you. Because all of our classes are part of a SYSTEM, you can arrange and stack your classes to crush your fitness goals.

Whether your goal is to Slim Down, Tone Up, Gain Muscle or be an All-Around Badass, we’ve got a specific 5-day class schedule for you to follow each week that will get you there.


The primary focus of your System is to lose weight. You will accomplish this by hitting 3 cardio classes in addition to your strength, stretch & cinch.

Example Slim Down workout week:

  • DAY 1: Clocked
  • DAY 2: Control
  • DAY 3: Recovery*
  • DAY 4: Clocked
  • DAY 5: High & Tight
  • DAY 6: In the Mix
  • DAY 7: Recovery*

*Want to replace a recovery day with a 6th workout? Choose a class that feels right for your body on that day or try a 20 minute challenge from the digital studio.


The primary focus of your System is not to lose weight but to create definition through long, lean muscles. You will accomplish this through 3 stretch & cinch classes in addition to your cardio and strength.

Example Tone Up workout week:

  • DAY 1: High & Tight
  • DAY 2: Clocked
  • DAY 3: Recovery*
  • DAY 4: High & Tight
  • DAY 5: Ebb & Flo
  • DAY 6: In the Mix
  • DAY 7: Recovery*

*Want to replace a recovery day with a 6th workout? Choose a class that feels right for your body on that day or try a 20 minute challenge from the digital studio.


The primary focus of your System is to build strength and muscle mass. You will accomplish this through 3 strength classes in addition to your cardio, stretch & cinch.

Example Gain Muscle workout week:

  • DAY 1: Control
  • DAY 2: Clocked
  • DAY 3: Recovery*
  • DAY 4: Control
  • DAY 5: High & Tight
  • DAY 6: In the Mix
  • DAY 7: Recovery*

*Want to replace a recovery day with a 6th workout? Choose a class that feels right for your body on that day or try a 20 minute challenge from the digital studio.


The primary focus of your System is to combine all elements of cardio, strength, stretch and recovery to deliver your body everything it needs. You will accomplish this by balancing all classes throughout your weekly routine.

Example All-Around Badass workout week:

  • DAY 1: Clocked
  • DAY 2: Control
  • DAY 3: Recovery*
  • DAY 4: High & Tight
  • DAY 5: Ebb & Flo OR SloFlo
  • DAY 6: In the Mix
  • DAY 7: Recovery*

*Want to replace a recovery day with a 6th workout? Choose a class that feels right for your body on that day or try a 20 minute challenge from the digital studio.